Monday, August 11, 2014
Victor Phelan - missionary and rapist of boys
Phelan abused at will as a missionary priest who made visits to various parishes in the US to raise money for the African missions. He took the opportunity while in these parishes to rape young boys in the parish and the parish school. He was the lowest of the low. I only found out about 8 years ago that some of his victims were in a school where I taught in the late 1970s. My students.
I am angry not only at the vicious abuser and the bishop and priests who enabled his crimes, but at myself. I wish I could go back in time and stop this molester who stole so much joy from these wonderful boys. I wish I had had the vision to know. . . . but I didn't.
There is no prison sentence or punishment that is suitable for this low-life scum. Nothing is bad enough for Victor Phelan. I only hope that a dear friend of mine is right when she tells me, "God knows and he will take care of these perps."
I hope she is right. There is no place deep enough in the pit of hell for Victor Phelan and his ilk.
Here are some of the assignments of Victor Phalen that we know.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Bishop Stika living like a king
Are bishops really trying to live a more simple life? I don't really think so. You certainly wouldn't think so if you saw Bishop Stika's house. Apparently the former Bishop's home wasn't good enough. Only a mansion would do.
Bishops apparently can't pay victims what is owed to them in compensation, but they certainly can pay for their expensive lifestyles. And what was the justification for paying $850,000 for his Sequoyah Hills home? The money was given as a donation! Does Stika really think we are so stupid to believe such an idiotic reason.
Let's make a list of where that money should have gone other than to pay for his expensive house:
1. Victims of clergy sexual abuse.
2. Catholic schools.
3. Tuition for children who can't afford to go to Catholic schools.
4. Catholic Charities for all the poor, the sick, the hungry, and so much more.
I hope Pope Francis reads this. It would be an eye opener for him to see how lavishly this Bishop lives. And with his buddy, Justin Rigali. Two peas in a pod!
Friday, August 8, 2014
Victim knocks on the door
The pastor knew nothing . . . or so he says.
Parishioners whom I have asked are astounded. They had never been told.
How incredible that the people, probably parents, siblings, and other relatives of these molested boys do not know the truth even yet.
1989 when McKeown left the priesthood to 2014 . . . you do the math.
Don't let Edward McKeown out of jail
Father Edward McKeown abused across Middle and East Tennessee. The bishop and many, many priests knew. McKeown left the priesthood on March 1, 1989 without anyone knowing how many little boys he had raped. The church never told the Catholics what McKeown had done. They let statutes of limitation run and sent their "problem" back out into the community at large to abuse more boys.
McKeown is not the only criminal here. The bishop and any priest who knew what McKeown had done should be sitting in the prison cell with him. That won't happen but it should.
Don't let McKeown every get parole. Give the rape victims of McKeown at least that small amount of justice.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Walter Emala - passed off to Maryland, leaving carnage in Tennessee
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
A Cardinal gets parole
Just as no one was ever told the truth about Knoxville's first bishop, Anthony O'Connell, so too the Catholics have not been told the truth about Justin Rigali. More to come on what Rigali has done and what a mess he left in the places where he was assigned.
So Knoxville's first bishop was a pedophile. Knoxville's second bishop covered up the truth of the extent of the first bishop's crimes. Now the third bishop, Richard Stika, has bought an $850,000 house for him and his housemate, Justin Rigali, to share. Knoxville Catholics, are you paying attention to the facts.
My advice? Google "Cardinal Justin Rigali" and see what you find.
SOLs are our problem
Tennessee looks like a pristine pure state when it comes to clergy abuse. Far from it. The truth is that statutes of limitation have silenced hundreds of victims of bishops, priests, nuns, and brothers. Too bad - because the losers are our children and teens today.
No abuse in the south??? Far from it. But the truth will never be told.
It's blackmail, pure and simple It shouldn't have taken so much time to figure this out. I have often wondered why good priests st...
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I am so sick to death of these arrogant, self-righteous adults! Here is the picture of a molester of young boys. Dan DuPree. AKA Father Da...