Monday, August 11, 2014

Victor Phelan - missionary and rapist of boys

I just found out that Father Victor Phelan was outed September 2013 as the vicious pedophile he is. Years and years of abuse - only now being exposed.

Phelan abused at will as a missionary priest who made visits to various parishes in the US to raise money for the African missions.  He took the opportunity while in these parishes to rape young boys in the parish  and the parish school.  He was the lowest of the low.  I only found out about 8 years ago that some of his victims were in a school where I taught in the late 1970s.  My students.

I am angry not only at the vicious abuser and the bishop and priests who enabled his crimes, but at myself.  I wish I could go back in time and stop this molester who stole so much joy from these wonderful boys. I wish I had had the vision to know. . . . but I didn't.

There is no prison sentence or punishment that is suitable for this low-life scum.  Nothing is bad enough for Victor Phelan.  I only hope that a dear friend of mine is right when she tells me, "God knows and he will take care of these perps."

I hope she is right.  There is no place deep enough in the pit of hell for Victor Phelan and his ilk.

Here are some of the assignments of Victor Phalen that we know.

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It's blackmail, pure and simple It shouldn't have taken so much time to figure this out.   I have often wondered why good priests st...