Monday, September 22, 2008

Letter to ETC on anniversary of diocese

I sent this today to the newspaper of the Diocese of Knoxville, Tennessee. It is in regard to an article in the last edition, "Diocese of Knoxville going strong at 20th anniversary."

Dear Editor,
As the diocese celebrates its 20th anniversary, it seems that a movement continues to rewrite history and reinstate the reputation of Anthony J. O'Connell, first bishop of Knoxville. In reading the effusive article about the diocesan anniversary in the last edition of the ETC, one would think that the first bishop did not go on to admit abusing "one maybe two" high-school aged seminarians and resign his church career as a result.

Are our memories so short that we dare trample on all survivors of clergy sexual abuse who live in our diocese, victims whose pain is so conveniently and adeptly ignored? Does our penchant for history not include all of history or do we continue to pick and choose what we want to know and not what is true? The answer is abundantly clear. This diocese from the top down is full of cafeteria Catholics when it comes to Anthony J. O'Connell. Pick and choose and do not ask questions.

Quite a convenient trend but the same dangerous attitude that allowed clergy sexual abuse to occur in the first place.

It's blackmail, pure and simple It shouldn't have taken so much time to figure this out.   I have often wondered why good priests st...