Thursday, August 7, 2014

Walter Emala - passed off to Maryland, leaving carnage in Tennessee

Walter Emala was assigned Holy Ghost Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, and when his abuse in several parishes across Tennessee became too much for the bishop to cover up, he shared this abuser with Maryland.  And so it goes.  The cycle of passing abusers from place to place, state to state.

Emala's name showed up on a list of priest abusers that was turned over by the Archbishop of Baltimore. Did any bishop in Tennessee ever let the Catholics of Tennessee know anything about this.  No, and that is their pattern.  Just be silent.  Just don't say a word.  The sins of omission.  

Is there no other voices out there who will cry out until the truth is told?

It's blackmail, pure and simple It shouldn't have taken so much time to figure this out.   I have often wondered why good priests st...