Sunday, September 14, 2008

Crumbs of cooperation

The Catholic church is so fond of saying that they are now fully cooperative and transparent. Funny thing, transparency. It's hard to attain when you won't release the names of the pedophile priests who have been assigned in your diocese. This is a brick wall if anything, and is just about as transparent as a dark starless night in the dessert.

Names of 18 priests across Tennessee were turned into the now famous John Jay Study at the turn of the millennium. Someone please comment to this post and send me the names. I have asked for 7 years and have never gotten them. (The pathetic excuses the church has given me is the subject of a future blog.)

Do you know who these pedophiles are? Do you know where they were assigned?

Me either. . . except what victims have told me. My mental list is lengthy, and the details gruesome.

But officially, no one knows, and clearly, that is wrong. The church would be guilty of malfeasance and obstruction of justice if it were a secular institution. But since it is "the church" it gets a pass on the truth. Even the justice system seems reluctant to hold it to the same standards as the rest of us.

Crumbs of cooperation. That's what we get. Nothing more. Nothing to sustain our lives, these crumbs that so many accept as enough.

Make a difference. Tell your pastor that you will not give a dime to the collection basket until you get full accountability about these pedophiles. That's what will work. Withhold the money; get the information. Good clear-cut plan. . . if we could only get together and execute the plan.

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It's blackmail, pure and simple It shouldn't have taken so much time to figure this out.   I have often wondered why good priests st...