Sunday, September 14, 2008

Question - did Paul St. Charles abuse at SHC?

I have one question that needs to be asked . . . and answered.

Did Father Paul St. Charles spend a year at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Knoxville, Tennessee? Public records say that he was there around 1967-1968.

Do the people of Sacred Heart Cathedral (and the rest of the diocese of Knoxville) know that Paul St. Charles is a pedophile priest? That he has been credibly accused by the diocese of Memphis? That he still lives in Nashville after his early retirement from the priesthood in the 1970s? That multiple lawsuits have been filed against him? That more and more men tell one horrific story after another about the hideous abuse by Paul St. Charles? That Bishop Choby of Nashville protects Paul St. Charles from the truth?

What does Paul St. Charles know that he is being protected by the THREE dioceses from exposure of his crimes?

Oops. That was more than one question. Well one question about the perverse secrets in the diocese of Knoxville leads to another. . . and another . . . and another.

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It's blackmail, pure and simple It shouldn't have taken so much time to figure this out.   I have often wondered why good priests st...