Sunday, September 14, 2008

Paul St. Charles, the PPP

Here he is!  The PPP, preferred pedophile priest, Paul St. Charles.

By the way, does this look like a bishop who gets it? Bishop Choby is awarding St. Charles the "Golden Grad Award" from Father Ryan.  Sure, you get it for just being alive, but how many boys has he killed in his life?  Killing their souls, killing their futures, killing their dreams, wounding their psyches, mangling their hope for a peaceful life. 

Looks to me like they would have given him a jail sentence after what he has done to youth.  After all, that is what your ordinary, run-of-the-mill pedophile gets.  Ask Bishop Steib of Memphis what the files says about the abuse by the PPP. Ask the courts who are still hearing his abuse cases if he is innocent as his legion of followers say. 

Bishop Choby, you deserve an award.  Let's see . . what should we call that award?  Something with alliteration.  Well, maybe we can come up with this soon in another post.  I'll try to think of some words that I could actually post without having my blog removed for "ugly words" (if you know what I mean.)

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It's blackmail, pure and simple It shouldn't have taken so much time to figure this out.   I have often wondered why good priests st...